Absolute bescherming
Master MPS UPS Systemen zorgen voor maximale bescherming en de beste spanningskwaliteit voor elk type belasting, in het bijzonder voor bedrijfskritische applicaties, beveiligingssystemen, medische apparatuur, industriële processen en telecommunicatie.
Master Plus is een online dubbelconversie UPS (klasse VFI-SS-111 overeenkomstig IEC EN62040-3) voorzien van een scheidingstransformator aan de uitgang.
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Geen impact op de aangesloten voedingsbron
Master MPS maakt het voeden van UPS systemen door generatoren en MV/LV transformatoren eenvoudiger en meer efficiënt. Bovendien worden de verliezen in het systeem en in de wikkelingen verminderd, wordt de arbeidsfactor gecorrigeerd en wordt harmonische vervorming die door de aangesloten belasting wordt veroorzaakt geëlimineerd. Daarnaast kan de geleidelijke opstart van de gelijkrichter en het beperken van de batterijlaadstroom leiden tot een reductie van de ingangsstroom. Hierdoor wordt de opgenomen ingangsstroom geminimaliseerd waardoor eventuele overdimensionering van voedingen, vooral als het om generatoren gaat, kan worden beperkt.
Batterij Care Systeem: Maximale zorg voor batterijen
Normaal gesproken worden de batterijen door een gelijkrichter geladen en onder lading gehouden. Bij een onderbreking van de netvoeding gebruikt de UPS de batterij als energiebron en zal via de omvormer de aangesloten belasting zonder onderbreking blijven voeden. Aangezien de batterij hierbij een cruciale rol vertegenwoordigt is het essentieel om een efficiënt batterijmanagementsysteem te hebben om zeker te stellen dat het systeem in noodsituaties de gewenste bescherming biedt.
Het battery care systeem bestaat uit een reeks functies en mogelijkheden die ertoe dienen het batterijmanagement te optimaliseren om betere prestaties en een langere levensduur te bereiken:
- Herladen op twee spanningsniveaus om de laadstroom te optimaliseren en om de herlaadtijden te minimaliseren
- Temperatuurcompensatie en bescherming tegen te diepe ontlading om het verouderingsproces van de batterij te verminderen
- Aanpassing van de laadkarakteristiek om het elektrolytverbruik te reduceren en de levensduur van de VRLA batterijen te verlengen
- Batterijtest, om tijdig capaciteitsverlies of eventuele batterijschade te diagnosticeren.
Master MPS is ook compatible met verschillende batterij technologieën zoals open lood, VRLA AGM en Nikkel-Cadmium batterijen,
Master MPS is geschikt voor allerlei toepassingen, van computers tot de meest veeleisende industriële omgevingen. Dankzij een uitgebreide range accessoires en opties kunnen complexe configuraties en architecturen worden gecreëerd die een maximale beschikbaarheid van kritische verbruikers verzekeren:
Er zijn uitbreidingen van reeds in parallel bedrijf opererende systemen mogelijk (voor redundantie of uitbreiding van het vermogen ), ook zonder de reeds in bedrijf zijnde UPS Systemen uit te schakelen. Hierdoor kan de belasting gewoon worden gevoed zonder onderbroken te hoeven worden.
De UGC en PSJ opties garanderen redundantie in de verdeling ook achter het parallelsysteem en realiseren daarmee een systeem selectiviteit, die ook bij een storing aan een achterliggende verbruiker, de voeding van de overige aangesloten verbruikers zekerstelt.
Maximale betrouwbaarheid en beschikbaarheid
Tot wel 8 UPS Systemen per voedingsgroep kunnen voor redundantie (N+1 / 2N) of voor het verhogen van de noodstroomcapaciteit parallel geschakeld worden. Dit kan met zowel een gedistribueerd statisch bypass systeem, waarbij iedere UPS zijn eigen statische bypass heeft of middels een gecentraliseerde statische bypass. Ook het parallel schakelen van units met een verschillende capaciteit is mogelijk. Maximale niveaus van beschikbaarheid ook in het geval van een onderbreking van de parallelbuskabels: het systeem is “FOUT TOLERANT”. Het wordt niet beïnvloed door storingen in de aansluitkabels en blijft de aangesloten belasting zonder onderbreking verder voeden. De afwijking wordt als storing gemeld.
Eenvoudige Installatie
Voor de installatie van een Master MPS UPS is zeer weinig ruimte nodig (0,64m2 voor een 200kVA systeem). Daarnaast zijn alle voor het onderhoud belangrijke componenten vanaf de voorzijde toegankelijk en is het daarom niet noodzakelijk om te zorgen dat onderdelen via de zij- of achterkant bereikbaar zijn. Aangezien de koellucht via de bovenzijde wordt uitgeblazen kunnen de UPS Systemen met de rug tegen de muur worden geplaatst.
Geavanceerde Communicatie
- MASTER MPS beschikt over een groot verlicht grafische display waarop informatie zoals real-time meetgegevens, (alarm)statussen, batterij-autonomie, temperatuur, verbruik, e.d. wordt weergegeven in 8 verschillende talen.
- Geavanceerde multiplatform communicatie: voor shutdown en compatibiliteit met alle operating systemen en netwerkomgevingen inclusief PowerShield³ monitoring en shutdown software met inbegrip van een SNMP agent.
- De UPS wordt geleverd met een kabel voor het direct aansluiten op een PC (Plug en Play).
- Dubbele seriële RS232 poort.
- Insteekslot voor het installeren van een netwerkadapter of potentiaal vrije contacten.
- ESD contact (Emergency Switching Device) voor het uitschakelen van de UPS op afstand door middel van een noodknop.
- Digitale ingang t.b.v. het inlezen van een signaal vanuit een externe bypass schakelaar.
- Ingang om de UPS uitgangsspanning te laten synchroniseren met een externe voedingsbron.
- Grafisch Remote Display voor het op afstand monitoren en controleren van de UPS.
- UGS – UPS Group Synchroniser maakt het mogelijk dat 2 of meer niet parallel geschakelde UPS Systemen ook gedurende een stroomuitval gesynchroniseerd blijven. De UGS kan ook een Riello UPS met een andere onafhankelijke voedingsbron met een ander vermogen te synchroniseren.
- PSJ – Parallel Systems Joiner kunnen twee groepen van UPS Systemen (zonder onderbreking in de uitgang) doormiddel van een koppelschakelaar met elkaar parallel geschakeld worden. De UPS ‘slave-groep’ is zowel bij netbedrijf als tijdens netuitval continue met de ‘master-groep’ gesynchroniseerd. Bij een storing van één van de parallel geschakelde UPS groepen schakelt deze zichzelf af. De PSJ kan dan de overgebleven UPS Systemen via een externe bypass parallel met een andere UPS groep schakelen, zodat de redundante voeding van de belasting verzekerd blijft.
Speciale Oplossingen
De UPS kan, indien nodig, aan specifieke eisen van een toepassing worden aangepast. Neem contact met ons op om de eventuele specifieke wensen die niet in de catalogus zijn opgenomen met ons te bespreken.
Downloads Riello Master MPS
Technische Specificaties
Riello Master MPS MPM 10
Voltage | 380-400-415 Vac three-phase Vac |
Frequency | 45 – 65 Hz |
Frequency tolerance | ± 2% (selectable from ± 1% to ± 5% from front panel) |
Soft start | 0 – 100% in 120’’ (selectable) |
Voltage Range | 400 V + 20% /- 25% |
Rated voltage | 360-400-420 Vac three-phase + N |
Rated frequency | 50 or 60 Hz (selectable) |
Rated power | 10000 VA |
Active power | 9000 W |
Output Voltage | 220 – 230 – 240 Vac single-phase + N (selectable) |
Crest factor (Ipeak/Irms) | 3:1 |
Static stability | ± 1% |
Dynamic stability | ± 5% in 10 ms |
Frequency | 50 or 60 Hz (selectable) |
Voltage distortion with distorcing load | < 3% with non-linear load |
Voltage distortion with linear load | < 1% with linear load |
Frequency stability | 0.05% |
100% < Load < 110% | 60′ |
125% = Load < 150% | 10′ |
Load = 150% | 1′ |
Type | VRLA AGM / GEL; NiCd; Supercaps; Li-ion; Flywheels |
Color | Dark grey RAL 7016 |
Communication | Double RS232 + dry contacts + 2 slots for communications interface |
Safety compliance | IEC EN 62040-1 |
EMC conformance | IEC EN 62040-2 |
Protection rating | IP20 |
Line-Interactive/Smart Active efficiency | up to 98% |
Noise | 60 dBA |
Operating temperature | 0 °C/ +40 °C |
Relative humidity | <95% non-condensing |
DATA | |
Weight | 200 Kg |
Dimensions (h w d) | 1400 x 555 x 740 mm |
Riello Master MPS MPM 15
Voltage | 380-400-415 Vac three-phase Vac |
Frequency | 45 – 65 Hz |
Frequency tolerance | ± 2% (selectable from ± 1% to ± 5% from front panel) |
Soft start | 0 – 100% in 120’’ (selectable) |
Voltage Range | 400 V + 20% /- 25% |
Rated voltage | 360-400-420 Vac three-phase + N |
Rated frequency | 50 or 60 Hz (selectable) |
Rated power | 15000 VA |
Active power | 13500 W |
Output Voltage | 220 – 230 – 240 Vac single-phase + N (selectable) |
Crest factor (Ipeak/Irms) | 3:1 |
Static stability | ± 1% |
Dynamic stability | ± 5% in 10 ms |
Frequency | 50 or 60 Hz (selectable) |
Voltage distortion with distorcing load | < 3% with non-linear load |
Voltage distortion with linear load | < 1% with linear load |
Frequency stability | 0.05% |
100% < Load < 110% | 60′ |
125% = Load < 150% | 10′ |
Load = 150% | 1′ |
Type | VRLA AGM / GEL; NiCd; Supercaps; Li-ion; Flywheels |
Color | Dark grey RAL 7016 |
Communication | Double RS232 + dry contacts + 2 slots for communications interface |
Safety compliance | IEC EN 62040-1 |
EMC conformance | IEC EN 62040-2 |
Protection rating | IP20 |
Line-Interactive/Smart Active efficiency | up to 98% |
Noise | 60 dBA |
Operating temperature | 0 °C/ +40 °C |
Relative humidity | <95% non-condensing |
DATA | |
Weight | 220 Kg |
Dimensions (h w d) | 1400 x 555 x 740 mm |
Riello Master MPS MPM 20
Voltage | 380-400-415 Vac three-phase Vac |
Frequency | 45 – 65 Hz |
Frequency tolerance | ± 2% (selectable from ± 1% to ± 5% from front panel) |
Soft start | 0 – 100% in 120’’ (selectable) |
Voltage Range | 400 V + 20% /- 25% |
Rated voltage | 360-400-420 Vac three-phase + N |
Rated frequency | 50 or 60 Hz (selectable) |
Rated power | 20000 VA |
Active power | 18000 W |
Crest factor (Ipeak/Irms) | 3:1 |
Static stability | ± 1% |
Dynamic stability | ± 5% in 10 ms |
Frequency | 50 or 60 Hz (selectable) |
Voltage distortion with distorcing load | < 3% with non-linear load |
Voltage distortion with linear load | < 1% with linear load |
Frequency stability | 0.05% |
100% < Load < 110% | 60′ |
125% = Load < 150% | 10′ |
Load = 150% | 1′ |
Type | VRLA AGM / GEL; NiCd; Supercaps; Li-ion; Flywheels |
Color | Dark grey RAL 7016 |
Communication | Double RS232 + dry contacts + 2 slots for communications interface |
Safety compliance | IEC EN 62040-1 |
EMC conformance | IEC EN 62040-2 |
Protection rating | IP20 |
Line-Interactive/Smart Active efficiency | up to 98% |
Noise | 60 dBA |
Operating temperature | 0 °C/ +40 °C |
Relative humidity | <95% non-condensing |
DATA | |
Weight | 230 Kg |
Dimensions (h w d) | 1400 x 555 x 740 mm |
Riello Master MPS MPM 30
Voltage | 380-400-415 Vac three-phase Vac |
Frequency | 45 – 65 Hz |
Frequency tolerance | ± 2% (selectable from ± 1% to ± 5% from front panel) |
Soft start | 0 – 100% in 120’’ (selectable) |
Voltage Range | 400 V + 20% /- 25% |
Rated voltage | 360-400-420 Vac three-phase + N |
Rated frequency | 50 or 60 Hz (selectable) |
Rated power | 30000 VA |
Active power | 27000 W |
Crest factor (Ipeak/Irms) | 3:1 |
Static stability | ± 1% |
Dynamic stability | ± 5% in 10 ms |
Frequency | 50 or 60 Hz (selectable) |
Voltage distortion with distorcing load | < 3% with non-linear load |
Voltage distortion with linear load | < 1% with linear load |
Frequency stability | 0.05% |
100% < Load < 110% | 60′ |
125% = Load < 150% | 10′ |
Load = 150% | 1′ |
Type | VRLA AGM / GEL; NiCd; Supercaps; Li-ion; Flywheels |
Color | Dark grey RAL 7016 |
Communication | Double RS232 + dry contacts + 2 slots for communications interface |
Safety compliance | IEC EN 62040-1 |
EMC conformance | IEC EN 62040-2 |
Protection rating | IP20 |
Line-Interactive/Smart Active efficiency | up to 98% |
Noise | 62 dBA |
Operating temperature | 0 °C/ +40 °C |
Relative humidity | <95% non-condensing |
DATA | |
Weight | 270 Kg |
Dimensions (h w d) | 1400 x 555 x 740 mm |
Riello Master MPS MPM 40
Voltage | 380-400-415 Vac three-phase Vac |
Frequency | 45 – 65 Hz |
Frequency tolerance | ± 2% (selectable from ± 1% to ± 5% from front panel) |
Soft start | 0 – 100% in 120’’ (selectable) |
Voltage Range | 400 V + 20% /- 25% |
Rated voltage | 360-400-420 Vac three-phase + N |
Rated frequency | 50 or 60 Hz (selectable) |
Rated power | 40000 VA |
Active power | 36000 W |
Crest factor (Ipeak/Irms) | 3:1 |
Static stability | ± 1% |
Dynamic stability | ± 5% in 10 ms |
Frequency | 50 or 60 Hz (selectable) |
Voltage distortion with distorcing load | < 3% with non-linear load |
Voltage distortion with linear load | < 1% with linear load |
Frequency stability | 0.05% |
100% < Load < 110% | 60′ |
125% = Load < 150% | 10′ |
Load = 150% | 1′ |
Type | VRLA AGM / GEL; NiCd; Supercaps; Li-ion; Flywheels |
Color | Dark grey RAL 7016 |
Communication | Double RS232 + dry contacts + 2 slots for communications interface |
Safety compliance | IEC EN 62040-1 |
EMC conformance | IEC EN 62040-2 |
Protection rating | IP20 |
Line-Interactive/Smart Active efficiency | up to 98% |
Noise | 62 dBA |
Operating temperature | 0 °C/ +40 °C |
Relative humidity | <95% non-condensing |
DATA | |
Weight | 302 Kg |
Dimensions (h w d) | 1400 x 555 x 740 mm |
Riello Master MPS MPM 60
Voltage | 380-400-415 Vac three-phase Vac |
Frequency | 45 – 65 Hz |
Frequency tolerance | ± 2% (selectable from ± 1% to ± 5% from front panel) |
Soft start | 0 – 100% in 120’’ (selectable) |
Voltage Range | 400 V + 20% /- 25% |
Rated voltage | 360-400-420 Vac three-phase + N |
Rated frequency | 50 or 60 Hz (selectable) |
Rated power | 60000 VA |
Active power | 54000 W |
Crest factor (Ipeak/Irms) | 3:1 |
Static stability | ± 1% |
Dynamic stability | ± 5% in 10 ms |
Frequency | 50 or 60 Hz (selectable) |
Voltage distortion with distorcing load | < 3% with non-linear load |
Voltage distortion with linear load | < 1% with linear load |
Frequency stability | 0.05% |
100% < Load < 110% | 60′ |
125% = Load < 150% | 10′ |
Load = 150% | 1′ |
Type | VRLA AGM / GEL; NiCd; Supercaps; Li-ion; Flywheels |
Color | Dark grey RAL 7016 |
Communication | Double RS232 + dry contacts + 2 slots for communications interface |
Safety compliance | IEC EN 62040-1 |
EMC conformance | IEC EN 62040-2 |
Protection rating | IP20 |
Line-Interactive/Smart Active efficiency | up to 98% |
Noise | 62 dBA |
Operating temperature | 0 °C/ +40 °C |
Relative humidity | <95% non-condensing |
DATA | |
Weight | 440 Kg |
Dimensions (h w d) | 1400 x 800 x 740 mm |
Riello Master MPS MPM 80
Voltage | 380-400-415 Vac three-phase Vac |
Frequency | 45 – 65 Hz |
Frequency tolerance | ± 2% (selectable from ± 1% to ± 5% from front panel) |
Soft start | 0 – 100% in 120’’ (selectable) |
Voltage Range | 400 V + 20% /- 25% |
Rated voltage | 360-400-420 Vac three-phase + N |
Rated frequency | 50 or 60 Hz (selectable) |
Rated power | 80000 VA |
Active power | 72000 W |
Crest factor (Ipeak/Irms) | 3:1 |
Static stability | ± 1% |
Dynamic stability | ± 5% in 10 ms |
Frequency | 50 or 60 Hz (selectable) |
Voltage distortion with distorcing load | < 3% with non-linear load |
Voltage distortion with linear load | < 1% with linear load |
Frequency stability | 0.05% |
100% < Load < 110% | 60′ |
125% = Load < 150% | 10′ |
Load = 150% | 1′ |
Type | VRLA AGM / GEL; NiCd; Supercaps; Li-ion; Flywheels |
Color | Dark grey RAL 7016 |
Communication | Double RS232 + dry contacts + 2 slots for communications interface |
Safety compliance | IEC EN 62040-1 |
EMC conformance | IEC EN 62040-2 |
Protection rating | IP20 |
Line-Interactive/Smart Active efficiency | up to 98% |
Noise | 62 dBA |
Operating temperature | 0 °C/ +40 °C |
Relative humidity | <95% non-condensing |
DATA | |
Weight | 500 Kg |
Dimensions (h w d) | 1400 x 800 x 740 mm |
Riello Master MPS MPM 100
Voltage | 380-400-415 Vac three-phase Vac |
Frequency | 45 – 65 Hz |
Frequency tolerance | ± 2% (selectable from ± 1% to ± 5% from front panel) |
Soft start | 0 – 100% in 120’’ (selectable) |
Voltage Range | 400 V + 20% /- 25% |
Rated voltage | 360-400-420 Vac three-phase + N |
Rated frequency | 50 or 60 Hz (selectable) |
Rated power | 100000 VA |
Active power | 90000 W |
Crest factor (Ipeak/Irms) | 3:1 |
Static stability | ± 1% |
Dynamic stability | ± 5% in 10 ms |
Frequency | 50 or 60 Hz (selectable) |
Voltage distortion with distorcing load | < 3% with non-linear load |
Voltage distortion with linear load | < 1% with linear load |
Frequency stability | 0.05% |
100% < Load < 110% | 60′ |
125% = Load < 150% | 10′ |
Load = 150% | 1′ |
Type | VRLA AGM / GEL; NiCd; Supercaps; Li-ion; Flywheels |
Color | Dark grey RAL 7016 |
Communication | Double RS232 + dry contacts + 2 slots for communications interface |
Safety compliance | IEC EN 62040-1 |
EMC conformance | IEC EN 62040-2 |
Protection rating | IP20 |
Line-Interactive/Smart Active efficiency | up to 98% |
Noise | 62 dBA |
Operating temperature | 0 °C/ +40 °C |
Relative humidity | <95% non-condensing |
DATA | |
Weight | 580 Kg |
Dimensions (h w d) | 1900 x 800 x 800 mm |
Riello Master MPS MPT 10
Voltage | 380-400-415 Vac three-phase Vac |
Frequency | 45 – 65 Hz |
Frequency tolerance | ± 2% (selectable from ± 1% to ± 5% from front panel) |
Soft start | 0 – 100% in 120’’ (selectable) |
Voltage Range | 400 V + 20% /- 25% |
Rated voltage | 380-400-415 Vac three-phase + N |
Rated frequency | 50 or 60 Hz (selectable) |
Rated power | 10000 VA |
Active power | 9000 W |
Output Voltage | 380-400-415 Vac three-phase + N (selectable) |
Crest factor (Ipeak/Irms) | 3:1 |
Static stability | ± 1% |
Dynamic stability | ± 5% in 10 ms |
Frequency | 50 or 60 Hz (selectable) |
Voltage distortion with distorcing load | < 3% with non-linear load |
Voltage distortion with linear load | < 1% with linear load |
Frequency stability | 0.05% |
100% < Load < 110% | 60′ |
125% = Load < 150% | 10′ |
Load = 150% | 1′ |
Type | VRLA AGM / GEL; NiCd; Supercaps; Li-ion; Flywheels |
Color | Dark grey RAL 7016 |
Communication | Double RS232 + dry contacts + 2 slots for communications interface |
Safety compliance | IEC EN 62040-1 |
EMC conformance | IEC EN 62040-2 |
Protection rating | IP20 |
Line-Interactive/Smart Active efficiency | up to 98% |
Noise | 60 dBA |
Operating temperature | 0 °C/ +40 °C |
Relative humidity | <95% non-condensing |
DATA | |
Weight | 228 Kg |
Dimensions (h w d) | 1400 x 555 x 740 mm |
Riello Master MPS MPT 15
Voltage | 380-400-415 Vac three-phase Vac |
Frequency | 45 – 65 Hz |
Frequency tolerance | ± 2% (selectable from ± 1% to ± 5% from front panel) |
Soft start | 0 – 100% in 120’’ (selectable) |
Voltage Range | 400 V + 20% /- 25% |
Rated voltage | 380-400-415 Vac three-phase + N |
Rated frequency | 50 or 60 Hz (selectable) |
Rated power | 15000 VA |
Active power | 13500 W |
Output Voltage | 380-400-415 Vac three-phase + N (selectable) |
Crest factor (Ipeak/Irms) | 3:1 |
Static stability | ± 1% |
Dynamic stability | ± 5% in 10 ms |
Frequency | 50 or 60 Hz (selectable) |
Voltage distortion with distorcing load | < 3% with non-linear load |
Voltage distortion with linear load | < 1% with linear load |
Frequency stability | 0.05% |
100% < Load < 110% | 60′ |
125% = Load < 150% | 10′ |
Load = 150% | 1′ |
Type | VRLA AGM / GEL; NiCd; Supercaps; Li-ion; Flywheels |
Color | Dark grey RAL 7016 |
Communication | Double RS232 + dry contacts + 2 slots for communications interface |
Safety compliance | IEC EN 62040-1 |
EMC conformance | IEC EN 62040-2 |
Protection rating | IP20 |
Line-Interactive/Smart Active efficiency | up to 98% |
Noise | 60 dBA |
Operating temperature | 0 °C/ +40 °C |
Relative humidity | <95% non-condensing |
DATA | |
Weight | 241 Kg |
Dimensions (h w d) | 1400 x 555 x 740 mm |
Riello Master MPS MPT 20
Voltage | 380-400-415 Vac three-phase Vac |
Frequency | 45 – 65 Hz |
Frequency tolerance | ± 2% (selectable from ± 1% to ± 5% from front panel) |
Soft start | 0 – 100% in 120’’ (selectable) |
Voltage Range | 400 V + 20% /- 25% |
Rated voltage | 380-400-415 Vac three-phase + N |
Rated frequency | 50 or 60 Hz (selectable) |
Rated power | 20000 VA |
Active power | 18000 W |
Output Voltage | 380-400-415 Vac three-phase + N (selectable) |
Crest factor (Ipeak/Irms) | 3:1 |
Static stability | ± 1% |
Dynamic stability | ± 5% in 10 ms |
Frequency | 50 or 60 Hz (selectable) |
Voltage distortion with distorcing load | < 3% with non-linear load |
Voltage distortion with linear load | < 1% with linear load |
Frequency stability | 0.05% |
100% < Load < 110% | 60′ |
125% = Load < 150% | 10′ |
Load = 150% | 1′ |
Type | VRLA AGM / GEL; NiCd; Supercaps; Li-ion; Flywheels |
Color | Dark grey RAL 7016 |
Communication | Double RS232 + dry contacts + 2 slots for communications interface |
Safety compliance | IEC EN 62040-1 |
EMC conformance | IEC EN 62040-2 |
Protection rating | IP20 |
Line-Interactive/Smart Active efficiency | up to 98% |
Noise | 60 dBA |
Operating temperature | 0 °C/ +40 °C |
Relative humidity | <95% non-condensing |
DATA | |
Weight | 256 Kg |
Dimensions (h w d) | 1400 x 555 x 740 mm |
Riello Master MPS MPT 30
Voltage | 380-400-415 Vac three-phase Vac |
Frequency | 45 – 65 Hz |
Frequency tolerance | ± 2% (selectable from ± 1% to ± 5% from front panel) |
Soft start | 0 – 100% in 120’’ (selectable) |
Voltage Range | 400 V + 20% /- 25% |
Rated voltage | 380-400-415 Vac three-phase + N |
Rated frequency | 50 or 60 Hz (selectable) |
Rated power | 30000 VA |
Active power | 27000 W |
Output Voltage | 380-400-415 Vac three-phase + N (selectable) |
Crest factor (Ipeak/Irms) | 3:1 |
Static stability | ± 1% |
Dynamic stability | ± 5% in 10 ms |
Frequency | 50 or 60 Hz (selectable) |
Voltage distortion with distorcing load | < 3% with non-linear load |
Voltage distortion with linear load | < 1% with linear load |
Frequency stability | 0.05% |
100% < Load < 110% | 60′ |
125% = Load < 150% | 10′ |
Load = 150% | 1′ |
Type | VRLA AGM / GEL; NiCd; Supercaps; Li-ion; Flywheels |
Color | Dark grey RAL 7016 |
Communication | Double RS232 + dry contacts + 2 slots for communications interface |
Safety compliance | IEC EN 62040-1 |
EMC conformance | IEC EN 62040-2 |
Protection rating | IP20 |
Line-Interactive/Smart Active efficiency | up to 98% |
Noise | 60 dBA |
Operating temperature | 0 °C/ +40 °C |
Relative humidity | <95% non-condensing |
DATA | |
Weight | 315 Kg |
Dimensions (h w d) | 1400 x 555 x 740 mm |
Riello Master MPS MPT 40
Voltage | 380-400-415 Vac three-phase Vac |
Frequency | 45 – 65 Hz |
Frequency tolerance | ± 2% (selectable from ± 1% to ± 5% from front panel) |
Soft start | 0 – 100% in 120’’ (selectable) |
Voltage Range | 400 V + 20% /- 25% |
Rated voltage | 380-400-415 Vac three-phase + N |
Rated frequency | 50 or 60 Hz (selectable) |
Rated power | 40000 VA |
Active power | 36000 W |
Output Voltage | 380-400-415 Vac three-phase + N (selectable) |
Crest factor (Ipeak/Irms) | 3:1 |
Static stability | ± 1% |
Dynamic stability | ± 5% in 10 ms |
Frequency | 50 or 60 Hz (selectable) |
Voltage distortion with distorcing load | < 3% with non-linear load |
Voltage distortion with linear load | < 1% with linear load |
Frequency stability | 0.05% |
100% < Load < 110% | 60′ |
125% = Load < 150% | 10′ |
Load = 150% | 1′ |
Type | VRLA AGM / GEL; NiCd; Supercaps; Li-ion; Flywheels |
Color | Dark grey RAL 7016 |
Communication | Double RS232 + dry contacts + 2 slots for communications interface |
Safety compliance | IEC EN 62040-1 |
EMC conformance | IEC EN 62040-2 |
Protection rating | IP20 |
Line-Interactive/Smart Active efficiency | up to 98% |
Noise | 62 dBA |
Operating temperature | 0 °C/ +40 °C |
Relative humidity | <95% non-condensing |
DATA | |
Weight | 335 Kg |
Dimensions (h w d) | 1400 x 555 x 740 mm |
Riello Master MPS MPT 60
Voltage | 380-400-415 Vac three-phase Vac |
Frequency | 45 – 65 Hz |
Frequency tolerance | ± 2% (selectable from ± 1% to ± 5% from front panel) |
Soft start | 0 – 100% in 120’’ (selectable) |
Voltage Range | 400 V + 20% /- 25% |
Rated voltage | 380-400-415 Vac three-phase + N |
Rated frequency | 50 or 60 Hz (selectable) |
Rated power | 60000 VA |
Active power | 54000 W |
Output Voltage | 380-400-415 Vac three-phase + N (selectable) |
Crest factor (Ipeak/Irms) | 3:1 |
Static stability | ± 1% |
Dynamic stability | ± 5% in 10 ms |
Frequency | 50 or 60 Hz (selectable) |
Voltage distortion with distorcing load | < 3% with non-linear load |
Voltage distortion with linear load | < 1% with linear load |
Frequency stability | 0.05% |
100% < Load < 110% | 60′ |
125% = Load < 150% | 10′ |
Load = 150% | 1′ |
Type | VRLA AGM / GEL; NiCd; Supercaps; Li-ion; Flywheels |
Color | Dark grey RAL 7016 |
Communication | Double RS232 + dry contacts + 2 slots for communications interface |
Safety compliance | IEC EN 62040-1 |
EMC conformance | IEC EN 62040-2 |
Protection rating | IP20 |
Line-Interactive/Smart Active efficiency | up to 98% |
Noise | 62 dBA |
Operating temperature | 0 °C/ +40 °C |
Relative humidity | <95% non-condensing |
DATA | |
Weight | 460 Kg |
Dimensions (h w d) | 1400 x 800 x 740 mm |
Riello Master MPS MPT 80
Voltage | 380-400-415 Vac three-phase Vac |
Frequency | 45 – 65 Hz |
Frequency tolerance | ± 2% (selectable from ± 1% to ± 5% from front panel) |
Soft start | 0 – 100% in 120’’ (selectable) |
Voltage Range | 400 V + 20% /- 25% |
Rated voltage | 380-400-415 Vac three-phase + N |
Rated frequency | 50 or 60 Hz (selectable) |
Rated power | 80000 VA |
Active power | 72000 W |
Output Voltage | 380-400-415 Vac three-phase + N (selectable) |
Crest factor (Ipeak/Irms) | 3:1 |
Static stability | ± 1% |
Dynamic stability | ± 5% in 10 ms |
Frequency | 50 or 60 Hz (selectable) |
Voltage distortion with distorcing load | < 3% with non-linear load |
Voltage distortion with linear load | < 1% with linear load |
Frequency stability | 0.05% |
100% < Load < 110% | 60′ |
125% = Load < 150% | 10′ |
Load = 150% | 1′ |
Type | VRLA AGM / GEL; NiCd; Supercaps; Li-ion; Flywheels |
Color | Dark grey RAL 7016 |
Communication | Double RS232 + dry contacts + 2 slots for communications interface |
Safety compliance | IEC EN 62040-1 |
EMC conformance | IEC EN 62040-2 |
Protection rating | IP20 |
Line-Interactive/Smart Active efficiency | up to 98% |
Noise | 62 dBA |
Operating temperature | 0 °C/ +40 °C |
Relative humidity | <95% non-condensing |
DATA | |
Weight | 540 Kg |
Dimensions (h w d) | 1400 x 800 x 740 mm |
Riello Master MPS MPT 100
Voltage | 380-400-415 Vac three-phase Vac |
Frequency | 45 – 65 Hz |
Frequency tolerance | ± 2% (selectable from ± 1% to ± 5% from front panel) |
Soft start | 0 – 100% in 120’’ (selectable) |
Voltage Range | 400 V + 20% /- 25% |
Rated voltage | 380-400-415 Vac three-phase + N |
Rated frequency | 50 or 60 Hz (selectable) |
Rated power | 100000 VA |
Active power | 90000 W |
Output Voltage | 380-400-415 Vac three-phase + N (selectable) |
Crest factor (Ipeak/Irms) | 3:1 |
Static stability | ± 1% |
Dynamic stability | ± 5% in 10 ms |
Frequency | 50 or 60 Hz (selectable) |
Voltage distortion with distorcing load | < 3% with non-linear load |
Voltage distortion with linear load | < 1% with linear load |
Frequency stability | 0.05% |
100% < Load < 110% | 60′ |
125% = Load < 150% | 10′ |
Load = 150% | 1′ |
Type | VRLA AGM / GEL; NiCd; Supercaps; Li-ion; Flywheels |
Color | Dark grey RAL 7016 |
Communication | Double RS232 + dry contacts + 2 slots for communications interface |
Safety compliance | IEC EN 62040-1 |
EMC conformance | IEC EN 62040-2 |
Protection rating | IP20 |
Line-Interactive/Smart Active efficiency | up to 98% |
Noise | 65 dBA |
Operating temperature | 0 °C/ +40 °C |
Relative humidity | <95% non-condensing |
DATA | |
Weight | 600 Kg |
Dimensions (h w d) | 1900 x 800 x 800 mm |
Riello Master MPS MPT 120
Voltage | 380-400-415 Vac three-phase Vac |
Frequency | 45 – 65 Hz |
Frequency tolerance | ± 2% (selectable from ± 1% to ± 5% from front panel) |
Soft start | 0 – 100% in 120’’ (selectable) |
Voltage Range | 400 V + 20% /- 25% |
Rated voltage | 380-400-415 Vac three-phase + N |
Rated frequency | 50 or 60 Hz (selectable) |
Rated power | 120000 VA |
Active power | 108000 W |
Output Voltage | 380-400-415 Vac three-phase + N (selectable) |
Crest factor (Ipeak/Irms) | 3:1 |
Static stability | ± 1% |
Dynamic stability | ± 5% in 10 ms |
Frequency | 50 or 60 Hz (selectable) |
Voltage distortion with distorcing load | < 3% with non-linear load |
Voltage distortion with linear load | < 1% with linear load |
Frequency stability | 0.05% |
100% < Load < 110% | 60′ |
125% = Load < 150% | 10′ |
Load = 150% | 1′ |
Type | VRLA AGM / GEL; NiCd; Supercaps; Li-ion; Flywheels |
Color | Dark grey RAL 7016 |
Communication | Double RS232 + dry contacts + 2 slots for communications interface |
Safety compliance | IEC EN 62040-1 |
EMC conformance | IEC EN 62040-2 |
Protection rating | IP20 |
Line-Interactive/Smart Active efficiency | up to 98% |
Noise | 68 dBA |
Operating temperature | 0 °C/ +40 °C |
Relative humidity | <95% non-condensing |
DATA | |
Weight | 610 Kg |
Dimensions (h w d) | 1900 x 800 x 800 mm |
Riello Master MPS MPT 160
Voltage | 380-400-415 Vac three-phase Vac |
Frequency | 45 – 65 Hz |
Frequency tolerance | ± 2% (selectable from ± 1% to ± 5% from front panel) |
Soft start | 0 – 100% in 120’’ (selectable) |
Voltage Range | 400 V + 20% /- 25% |
Rated voltage | 380-400-415 Vac three-phase + N |
Rated frequency | 50 or 60 Hz (selectable) |
Rated power | 160000 VA |
Active power | 144000 W |
Output Voltage | 380-400-415 Vac three-phase + N (selectable) |
Crest factor (Ipeak/Irms) | 3:1 |
Static stability | ± 1% |
Dynamic stability | ± 5% in 10 ms |
Frequency | 50 or 60 Hz (selectable) |
Voltage distortion with distorcing load | < 3% with non-linear load |
Voltage distortion with linear load | < 1% with linear load |
Frequency stability | 0.05% |
100% < Load < 110% | 60′ |
125% = Load < 150% | 10′ |
Load = 150% | 1′ |
Type | VRLA AGM / GEL; NiCd; Supercaps; Li-ion; Flywheels |
Color | Dark grey RAL 7016 |
Communication | Double RS232 + dry contacts + 2 slots for communications interface |
Safety compliance | IEC EN 62040-1 |
EMC conformance | IEC EN 62040-2 |
Protection rating | IP20 |
Line-Interactive/Smart Active efficiency | up to 98% |
Noise | 60 dBA |
Operating temperature | 0 °C/ +40 °C |
Relative humidity | <95% non-condensing |
DATA | |
Weight | 690 Kg |
Dimensions (h w d) | 1900 x 800 x 800 mm |
Riello Master MPS MPT 200
Voltage | 380-400-415 Vac three-phase Vac |
Frequency | 45 – 65 Hz |
Frequency tolerance | ± 2% (selectable from ± 1% to ± 5% from front panel) |
Soft start | 0 – 100% in 120’’ (selectable) |
Voltage Range | 400 V + 20% /- 25% |
Rated voltage | 380-400-415 Vac three-phase + N |
Rated frequency | 50 or 60 Hz (selectable) |
Rated power | 200000 VA |
Active power | 180000 W |
Output Voltage | 380-400-415 Vac three-phase + N (selectable) |
Crest factor (Ipeak/Irms) | 3:1 |
Static stability | ± 1% |
Dynamic stability | ± 5% in 10 ms |
Frequency | 50 or 60 Hz (selectable) |
Voltage distortion with distorcing load | < 3% with non-linear load |
Voltage distortion with linear load | < 1% with linear load |
Frequency stability | 0.05% |
100% < Load < 110% | 60′ |
125% = Load < 150% | 10′ |
Load = 150% | 1′ |
Type | VRLA AGM / GEL; NiCd; Supercaps; Li-ion; Flywheels |
Color | Dark grey RAL 7016 |
Communication | Double RS232 + dry contacts + 2 slots for communications interface |
Safety compliance | IEC EN 62040-1 |
EMC conformance | IEC EN 62040-2 |
Protection rating | IP20 |
Line-Interactive/Smart Active efficiency | up to 98% |
Noise | 60 dBA |
Operating temperature | 0 °C/ +40 °C |
Relative humidity | <95% non-condensing |
DATA | |
Weight | 790 Kg |
Dimensions (h w d) | 1900 x 800 x 800 mm |
Riello Master MPS MPT 800
Voltage | 380-400-415 Vac three-phase Vac |
Frequency | 45 – 65 Hz |
Frequency tolerance | ± 2% (selectable from ± 1% to ± 5% from front panel) |
Soft start | 0 – 100% in 120’’ (selectable) |
Voltage Range | 400 V + 20% /- 25% |
Rated voltage | 380-400-415 Vac three-phase + N |
Rated frequency | 50 or 60 Hz (selectable) |
Rated power | 800000 VA |
Active power | 640000 W |
Output Voltage | 380-400-415 Vac three-phase + N (selectable) |
Crest factor (Ipeak/Irms) | 3:1 |
Static stability | ± 1% |
Dynamic stability | ± 5% in 10 ms |
Frequency | 50 or 60 Hz (selectable) |
Voltage distortion with distorcing load | < 3% with non-linear load |
Voltage distortion with linear load | < 1% with linear load |
Frequency stability | 0.05% |
100% < Load < 110% | 60′ |
125% = Load < 150% | 10′ |
Load = 150% | 1′ |
Type | VRLA AGM / GEL; NiCd; Supercaps; Li-ion; Flywheels |
Color | Dark grey RAL 7016 |
Communication | Double RS232 + dry contacts + 2 slots for communications interface |
Safety compliance | IEC EN 62040-1 |
EMC conformance | IEC EN 62040-2 |
Protection rating | IP20 |
Line-Interactive/Smart Active efficiency | up to 98% |
Noise | 77 dBA |
Operating temperature | 0 °C/ +40 °C |
Relative humidity | <95% non-condensing |
DATA | |
Weight | 5300 Kg |
Dimensions (h w d) | 1900 x 4400 x 1000 mm |